New research unveiled today by Exodus Adventure Travels highlights how powerful sound can be when it comes to shaping our holiday destination choices.  


Over six in ten travellers (62 per cent) have said that hearing certain sounds evokes positive memories of their previous holidays. A quarter said it made them feel nostalgic for a destination (28 per cent), while a further quarter said it made them want to rebook and return to that holiday destination (26 per cent). Crucially, nearly half of those asked (45 per cent) said they would be inspired to book a holiday to experience specific sounds. 


As a result, Exodus, a leading tour operator in the adventure travel sector, has partnered with Cities and Memory – one of the world’s largest sound projects – to create a dedicated travel playlist to inspire holidaymakers and bring a destination to life through local sounds. The Sounds of Adventure project takes the form of an interactive sound map and Spotify playlist showcasing 12 raw recordings and inspirational soundtracks collated by a team of over 12 global audio artists.  


Highlights include a dawn chorus in Vermont (USA), the early morning atmosphere at the sleepy harbour of Pepperskär Hamen (Finland) or a Masai Mara warrior song (Kenya). All recordings are linked to 12 popular destinations offered by Exodus Adventure Travels.  


The Sounds of Adventure campaign is being fronted by wilderness explorer and TV presenter, Ray Mears who commented: “Experiencing a destination is about so much more than what you see. The Sounds of Adventure project allows people to be inspired by their ears and not solely with their eyes.” 


“I have been lucky enough to hear first-hand incredible sounds that will forever be etched in my memory such as a lone wolf howling across a frozen lake in northwest Ontario or the beautiful sound of church choirs in Western Samoa. Capturing and collating such powerful sounds in one place is an incredible achievement by Exodus and Cities and Memory – one I am confident will inspire many to visit these destinations.” 


Sam Seward at Exodus Adventure Travels added: “For 50 years, Exodus Adventure Travels has been leading the way when it comes to adventure travel. With an emphasis on responsible and experience-rich travel, we offer guests over 500 itineraries scattered across the globe. It’s been fascinating learning more about what impact sound can play when it comes to selecting a holiday destination and I hope people are inspired by the playlist to visit somewhere new!” 


The Sounds of Adventure playlist can be found here, holidaymakers can download and listen to the full compilations on Spotify here


Exodus surveyed over 2,016 holidaymakers across the UK as part of the research.  

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