Earth day: Survey reveals 6 out of 10 say sustainable travel is important
With Earth Day soon approaching on the 22nd of April, Loveholidays conducted a survey of 2342 holidaymakers to provide them with an in-depth understanding of consumer attitudes towards sustainable travel in 2022.
The research revealed that 6 out of 10 of those surveyed said that sustainable travel is important to them, supported by the will to make conscious choices in regard to travel and holidays.
The survey also discovered who holidaymakers think should be considered responsible for preventing over-tourism which were:
- The local government (37%)
- Travel companies (36%)
- Consumers (24%)
- The UK government (23%)
- Local people (18%)
The poll also explored age in regards to attitudes towards sustainable travel. Those aged 18 to 24 were most likely to agree that sustainable travel was important for them (65%).
Love holidays also discovered what consumers believe is of the highest importance to make air travel more sustainable, which were sustainable aviation fuels (56%) and offsetting carbon footprint (30%).
Holidaymakers were also asked who they think should be responsible for reducing emissions which were
- The government (39%)
- Airlines (34%)
- Consumers (28%)
- Travel companies (25%)