When is the Best Time to Visit London?

Ellie Green
Authored by Ellie Green
Posted: Friday, June 21, 2024 - 23:59

London is known for the extended rainy season all year around. Trying to squeeze between the rainy days seems like a challenging task. But know this: London is beautiful even when it rains.

No matter if you decide to walk around with your raincoat and umbrella or take advantage of the chauffeur services in London from Simber.co.uk, you can have a great time no matter the season. So, we decided to create a complete guide on each season and its advantages so you can easily plan your next London visit accordingly.

Visiting London in Spring (March-May)

If you're visiting London from March to May, you can expect pleasant weather with mild and comfortable temperatures. It's not too hot, but also not too cold, which is great for city tours. Since it's not a peak season, you may find affordable flights and hotels.

Nature is blooming during spring, making London colorful. The only disadvantage is the increased chance for rain all day around - but nothing that a nice raincoat or large umbrella can't resolve.

A Summer in London (June-August)

During summer, the weather in London can be pretty warm, but almost never reaches 30 degrees Celsius. That makes the season great for outdoor activities, like exploring parks and markets. With the long daylight hours, you hav plenty of time to visit various London spots and add more daily activities to your bucket list.

But be careful! Summer is a peak season in London. Public transport is crowded, traffic congested, and prices higher than you may be used to.

The Beauty of London in Autumn (September-November)

Autumns in London aren't as rainy as springtime can be. The temperatures are mild, and the whole city is coloured in yellow, red, and brown shades. It gets less busy right after the summer rush, making it a completely relaxing experience for the visitors.

Once again, the hotels and flights are getting more affordable, and prices are going lower in general. Even though it's not that rainy, we still recommend packing your favorite raincoat, or bringing the foldable umbrella with you.

Winter Time in London (December-February)

Winters in London are more beautiful than you can imagine. Everywhere around you, there are lights, decorations, and Christmas markets. If you plan on visiting London during the festive season, you may enjoy pretty competitive prices for flights and hotels.

Anyway, the weather can be pretty cold, with rain and snowfall all the time. Days are shorter, so you don't have much time to explore the city during daylight.

How to Choose the Right Season for You?

While there is no exact formula for determining the best time to visit London, the decision depends only on your preferences. Some people highly dislike warm days, so they're more likely to choose early spring or late autumn for their visit. On the other hand, if on a budget, absolutely avoid the summer season.

In general, you can expect rains no matter the season, so don't let it be the crucial factor for your decision. Explore the other options and decide based on the preferences that exclude the rains.

Budget-Friendly London Activities Each Season

Some activities in London are budget-friendly no matter the season. Knowing that you can always visit some museums like the Natural History Museum, Tate Modern, or Victoria and Albert Museum. The Royal Parks are also great, especially if there is no rain that day. Choose Hyde Park, Greenwich Park, or St. James Park for an extensive royal experience.

You can attend some street performances, as there are many in London. From acrobats to musicians, you can experience the authentic local culture and enjoy the vibrant street culture.

Don't forget the Borough Market and West End Theater. If you're more about leisure, take a walk around Regent's Canal and Little Venice.

Final Words

The search for the perfect season to visit London never ends. While the mentioned tips aren't set in stone, they're based on the average data available for each season. Anyway, it's up to you to find the perfect time slot, book your flight, rent a hotel room, and choose the transportation option that fits your style most.

Explore London the way you've always imagined to do that. Use our tips, but still be unique when planning your trip. Research your options and plan a perfect stay, no matter the season.


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