Five reasons why nuts are the best travelling companion
Snacks are one of the most important parts of travelling. Snacks provide energy, reduce cravings, and cure boredom, but you might want to consider their nutritional value.
Some snacks are loaded with sugar, saturated fats, and high in salts. Others can provide valuable nutrients, like vitamins, minerals, protein, and fibre. Crisps and cookies are the most popular snacks in the UK, but they don’t come close to nuts in terms of nutritional value.
Nuts are healthy, low-priced, easy to pack and store, and pleasing to nibble. They tick all the boxes to become the best travelling companion. So, read below to find out five reasons for choosing nuts as your travelling companion.
1. Easy to get
Nuts are very easy to find. Local supermarkets provide various kinds of nuts, often packaged in handy packets. Nowadays, online markets, like https://wholefoodearth.com/nuts, offer you a convenient way to buy nuts. Nuts from Whole Food Earth come with free delivery and eco-friendly packaging.
2. Good for heart health
High blood pressure and cholesterols can cause heart problems. Fortunately, nuts can reduce the risk of heart disease. They contain many valuable nutrients, like good fats and proteins.
Multiple studies show that good “unsaturated” fats, like omega-3 fatty acids, can help lower LDL cholesterol levels. Nuts that are a good source of good fats include walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, pistachios, pecans, and hazelnuts.
Some studies also show nuts can help lower blood pressure. Nuts contain amino acids such as L-arginine, which can lower blood pressure and improve artery health.
3. Good for weight loss
Besides being good for the heart, nuts can also help you maintain or lose weight. Eating nuts reduces your appetite. This is because nuts raise the levels of the hormones peptide and cholecystokinin, which are responsible for regulating your appetite.
Nuts also contain fibre, which is good for the digestive system and promotes a healthy gut. Nuts’ high fibre content fills you up, helping you feel full longer. That way, they can prevent you from binge eating. Nuts containing high fibre content include almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, and pecans.
4. Good for your immune system
Nuts are rich in vitamins E and B, magnesium, selenium, zinc, phytosterols, and polyphenols, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They boost your immune system.
Antioxidants, like phytosterols and polyphenols, help to control the level of free radicals in your body. A higher level of free radicals can raise the risk of many diseases. Also, antioxidants are beauty-boosting agents. They keep your skin hydrated and promote tissue healing.
Nuts’ anti-inflammatory properties help prevent and reduce inflammation. Inflammation happens when you have an injury, virus, or bacteria infection. Long-term inflammation can damage your organs.
5. Good for sleep
Nuts, like Brazil nuts, are rich in selenium. Five grams of Brazil nuts contain 174% of your daily selenium needs. If you have had shorter sleep lately, it might be because of a low level of selenium. Selenium is one of the minerals that can also lower the risk of cancer, boost your immune system, and slow the ageing process.